Hours of operation: By appointment only
Phone: (206) 402-5497
Email: info@helpinghandseattle.com
Ask about our Gift Certificates!
All positions with Helping Hand Errand And Concierge Services are part-time. As an Independent Contractor, your hours will not be guaranteed and jobs will vary. Such positions are perfect for stay-at-home parents, responsible students and freelancers of various industries. At this time, Helping Hand cannot approximate a set amount of hours or jobs available to each position. If you have reviewed the website and liked what you saw, please email us at info@helpinghandseattle.com. We will follow-up with an application. Any questions can be emailed to us as well – please no phone calls.
• Receive one hour free on your next service request by referring a friend, relative or business associate (once services are rendered and payment is made in full).
• Seniors (55 ) receive a 10% discount on all services (No membership required).
Let us know and we'll give you half off an hour of service. Enjoy your special day and leave the errand running or anything else on your to-do list to us!